Being a Reader
I work as a reader online (to book an appointment please go: here) and in person at TAP, Fort Langley, corner of Mavis and Glover.
When I do readings I use the Tarot, and a deck I have created myself called, Cards of Balance, that focuses on Universal Laws, Divine Qualities, our dimensional reality connected to a 13 chakra system.
Often I talk about the importance of sitting still in the heart — out of the mind — imagining a pebble drop from mind to heart and sitting there heart listening.
It’s quite different from being in the mind and meditating.
With consistency, one can become quite adept at communicating with our guidance, through the heart.
The other thing I always tend to mention when I’m a reader is how important it is to be balanced, in equal Love for the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, which relates back to our own mother and father, or our early life caregivers.