Invisible People: Human Beings First
& Housing First
Invisible People traveled to Finland to see the remarkable success they are having reducing homelessness.
Finland’s success is credited to the innovative Housing First—which began in North America.
Where Housing First is Used
Widely adopted in North America:
Housing First is increasingly used across the United States and Canada, with many cities implementing programs based on this model.
The concept is often attributed to the “Pathways to Housing” program in New York City, which demonstrated the effectiveness of providing immediate housing to individuals with severe mental illness and substance use issues.
Benefits of Housing First
Increased housing stability:
Research indicates that Housing First (with constant support) can significantly improve the likelihood of individuals maintaining stable housing compared to traditional approaches.
Improved quality of life:
Access to stable housing can provide a foundation for individuals to address other challenges and improve their overall well-being.
Studies suggest that Housing First can be cost-effective in the long term by reducing reliance on emergency shelters and healthcare services.
This model offers stable housing as the primary intervention, complemented by essential support services to address the root causes of homelessness and help individuals rebuild their lives. [Read more…]