A Visit to Wisteria Acres’ Therapeutic Horses
with the Women from John Volken Academy

Rayne, Brek, Madison, Krista, McKenna, Linda, Ellie, Kathleen
A HUGE Thank You to Krista, Linda, Cassie, Cricket, and Rayne
for an amazing day at Wisteria Acres in Langley, BC.
From enjoyable clean-up work in the barn to energetically meeting the horses out in a paddock — a process called ‘Con Su Permiso’ — then lunch, and a peaceful meditation, we LOVED everything!
Krista Brown, owner of Wisteria Acres, recently created Romeo’s Dream Adult Community Outreach Program when her beloved horse passed unexpectedly in the prime of his life.
She is continuing his legacy of LOVE, JOY and LAUGHTER, extending the opportunity for those in need to experience the wisdom of horses.
The women from John Volken Academy were her inaugural group, July 21st.
Wisteria Acres is a wonderful place, lush with greenery and gentle birdsong, about an hour’s drive from Vancouver.
‘Con Su Permiso’ means “with your permission,” and is a beautiful way of greeting, introducing oneself to a horse, an invitation to honour them as the sentient beings they are with awareness of energy fields.
What we are holding within becomes apparent in the presence of Krista’s therapeutic horses.
Are we in sync with the same unconditional Love of self the horses are?
After lunch we did a meditation with Rayne, appreciating how good it feels to hear a horse chomping grass as we let our cares float away, enjoying the precious moments.
Here is the Wisteria Acres website: https://wisteriaacres.com/ and photos below of our amazing day!

Brek and Cassie