Seeds from Willow Florists
Deep Cove, North Vancouver
Thank you, Gabriele, for the seeds for the Briar Patch, DTES!

Linda and Kathleen holding seeds from Willow Florists
Seek Help, Receive Love, Heal Within
By Kathleen
Linda and Kathleen holding seeds from Willow Florists
By Kathleen
Briar Patch Garden, Downtown Eastside
I can remember the thing that I had
From wisdom I know without it I’m sad!
Does the word Freedom mean something to You,
or is it JUST that you pay your dues?
As for me; I think it’d be FUN, to Live with The LAND
Just as ONE!
Not to destroy the BEAUTY around,
To Live in PEACE, that’s with The GROUND!
To Live in PEACE…to grow with The Trees…to
Sing with The Birds & Breathe with The Leaves
And through Your Life You’ll learn to begin,
By Kathleen
In the Fall of 2019, at an evening meditation circle in West Vancouver, I met Tory, a shamanic drummer, who spoke of participating in the Indigenous pipeline protests. Her courage was palpable and fascinating.
At another circle, in early 2020, she told me that she’d been asked to manage the Briar Patch neighbouring the Budzey, women’s housing, in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, and she was wondering if A Door To Everything Society would like to be involved. . .
I immediately said, “Yes” and since then we’ve been collaborating — mostly me watching Tory do amazing work — organizing this magical garden in the heart of Canada’s poorest postal code, Vancouver’s DTES.
By Kathleen
My principal guide in January 2012 said to me in a reading, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
“Viruses are simply ideas that get transmitted.”
At the time I had no idea what she was talking about. Now it makes sense.
Recently I’ve had two emails telling me to stop making face masks.
There’s some controversy around them, and “good or bad” if someone would like to wear a mask, I feel it’s a personal choice.
By Kathleen
Recently the John Volken Academy women and I heard a talk from June Ariano-Jakes who has written a book called, Addiction: A Mother’s Story.
We listened spell-bound as this amazing woman, in a very soft voice, explained that she is incapable of anger and how that influenced her relationship with her son and his devastating addiction issues.
I highly recommend her book. It is an incredible look at the mean streets of Vancouver, the fall-out from the horrific life of an addict, and the gang activity.